Wednesday 6 October 2010

My completed Evaluation

To begin the work of my magazine cover firstly I planned what I wanted to be on my magazine cover and then I drew the pictures and I wrote down my strap lines or any writing I wanted to be on my magazine cover. Then I started to take my pictures around school. I took pictures of students doing work, students doing P.E and teachers consulting with students as well. I took the pictures in a range of angles to create depth and I also remembered and included the rule of three in my pictures as well. In my pictures I included a wide range of angles for example worm’s eye view of the school so the camera is down and is looking up at the school.

 I then went on photo shop and started to start my magazine cover. Firstly I chose my main image I wanted my main image to represent the school and also contain some depth as well; so for my main image I chose two teachers talking and working with a student, the image is not just at the centre the picture contains some depth and I have also included the rule of three as well. I then started to edit my main image I cut out the background and put a background color, which is pure blue violet and then I chose the color of my masthead to be yellow because both of these colors compliment each other and they also go well with each other as well. I then chose three pictures to put at the bottom of the page which were a worms eye view of the school, a girl doing her work and finally a teacher and student talking and working with each other. I then put a kicker in which said ‘exam results’ and I made it stand out so I made it bold and in capitals so it will stand out from everything else. I then wrote my strap lines; before I wrote the strap lines I did some research before hand on the school website to see what the latest stories were and what was currently happening in the school. So then after I did my research I wrote about the LGS radio, the school council elections, basketball academy, sixth form lessons, teachers and the canteen because these were the latest stories and the latest events happening at Lordswood Girls School. And I also wrote down the school website in the corner of the magazine because during my research I found out that magazines have some kind of contact information so I wrote the school website in black and bold at the corner of the page. I only used three colors and two types of font in my magazine cover because I did not want it to be too crowded and too over the top and I only used two fonts as well. The things that I could improve on next time would be using more varieties of angles and I also made the school website font too stretched. 

I then started my contents page I kept the color scheme and the fonts the same so that the magazine and cover and the contents page can be easily recognisable and they also go together and link with each other as well because of the color schemes. I chose to put four pictures on my contents page; I put pictures of the canteen, a teacher, and students doing P.E and I also turned them around on an angle as well. I also put some information about what information is going to be in the magazine like the magazine is going to be about the teachers, staff, sixth formers etc. The things that I would improve on next time on my contents page would be to put more effects on and to make It look more interesting and fun so students and sixth formers will want to read it.       

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