Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Existing contents page of a magazine

This is a contents page of a classical magazine because the pictures on the contents page are more mature and there are various instruments on there which are part of the orchestra. The contents page is more organized and it is not over crowded with text and big pictures, the target audience of the magazine looking from the contents page is for a mature audience so it looks like it is for people aged 19-45 because young teenagers don't tend to listen or be interested in classical music or anything classical. The way that the magazine has been set out and the pictures used on the magazine reflects the target audience of the magazine because the layout of the magazine is organized and it is not messy and all over the place and  teenagers and children tend to be messy rather than adults. The information on the contents page is set out in rows which shows that the magazine is for a mature audience and the pictures link in with the layout and target audience of the magazine because you don't see teenage rappers in street clothing; the clothes that the people are wearing in the magazine are more formal like suits. The feature that persuades the reader to buy the magazine is that the contents page is organized and it is not crowded with information so when you open the contents page you will know exactly what it is about and it will take you only a few minutes to read it, but if it was cramped then it will take you longer and you might not end up buying it as well. The contents page is very serious because there is no slang and this reflects the target audience of the magazine which is serious and mature. The features on the contents page are easy to locate because it is organized and the text is in columns on both sides of the page and there are also pictures on both sides of the page in a pattern this is because the whole contents page follows a pattern because it is organized and mature. The color scheme of this magazine is simple and not over the top and i also like the design of the contents page so i want my contents page to be his kind of style. 

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