Monday 22 November 2010

Magazine Contents Page Mock-Up

The magazine contents page is going to be simple yet it will look realistic. This is because my magazine contents page will contain an image of a female model faced on the side and she will be looking towards the camera. This shows that the model will have eye contact with the reader and the audience, the audience will feel comfortable reading the magazine because it shows a sense of communication between the model and the audience.

The numbers on the contents page are gold and the information and the words are black, I have used the same font as a did on the front cover of the magazine because it will look simple and realistic and in my research of magazine contents pages the font usually is the same for the cover and contents page of the magazine. I used simple words and not complicated and long words that teenagers will not understand, this is because my magazine is for 15-23 year olds and if they see long and complicated words they will not understand them and they may not read the magazine if they do not understand the language of the magazine.  

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